Let Go Of The Wheel. Fate is Taking Over.

The May 26, 2021 Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is ALL about fate and karma. The Divine Universe is letting us know in a gentle or not so gentle way, it's time to let go of the wheel. Your karma is kicking in and fate is taking over. 

Like I have mentioned in my last four videos, we are entering into the stage of The Great Awakening and Ascension referred to as "The Threshing Floor" in bible.  Your karma will determine IF you will have to experience The Threshing Floor and how much threshing you will need to prepare you for the next level. This May 26, 2021 Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius energies are being used by The Divine to set us up according to our karma for what's to come. 

I have been guided to share this prayer and meditation with the general public in order to assist whomever it resonates with. 

Much love,


I am here. I am open. And I am ready to release ALL resistance to bringing balance, patience, and moderation into my life.

I invite the Divine archetype and energy of Temperance to stabilize my energy, and to allow the life force to flow through me without force or resistance.

Thank you Temperance for helping me recover my Divine Flow. And thank you for helping me get my life back into Divine Order and Divine Balance.

(3x) I am now in Divine Flow, and my life is in Divine Order and Divine Balance.

*Gaze at the picture of Temperance for 33 count.*

Thanks you God

Do this as often and for however long you are called to.
