2022 - Year of the White Water Tiger - Be Set Free From Torment


White Water Tiger Energy - Be Set Free From Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Torment 
February 1st, 2022 marked the beginning of the Chinese New Year, The Year of the White Water Tiger. The first day of the Chinese New Year coincides with the Lunar New Year, which also occurred on the New Moon in Aquarius.

The White Water Tiger energies and powers of strength, bravery, luck, and the ability to exorcise evil has now permeated the Earth's atmosphere. The super intense energies of The White Water Tiger (WWT) presented itself to me this morning as a very dense white smoke. The WWT energy smoke is coursing through the veins of every man, woman, and child on Earth. You do not need to be aware of this energy for it to enter you, for it is a true gift from God to assist us with the Great Awakening.

I was shown by the WWT archetype how to activate it's powers in order to achieve  maximum affect. This meditation must be done on yourself prior to invoking the energies to help a loved one. The White Water Tiger is a very powerful and intelligent energy. You only need to do this ritual once for it to take affect. The WWT energies are most powerful right before dawn; therefore, this ritual must be done one to two hours before day break when the moon and sun share the sky. 

(view video for full instructions)

**For yourself**

Step 1 (3x) -  I invoke the energies and powers of the White Water Tiger. And I embody thine energies and powers to release ALL emotional, mental, and spiritual torment from my mind, body, and soul.

Step 2 (repeat the mantra for each hand position) - I am now free from ALL emotional, mental, and spiritual torment.

Step 3 (both hands on chest) - For whom God has set free, is now free indeed.

-- Thanks Be To God. Thanks you White Water Tiger.

**For your loved ones**

Step 1 (3x) -  I invoke the energies and powers of the White Water Tiger. And I embody thine energies and powers so I may release ALL emotional, mental, and spiritual torment from the mind, body, and soul of  ______.

Step 2 (repeat the mantra for each hand position) - You are now freed from ALL emotional, mental, and spiritual torment.

Step 3 (both hands on chest) - For whom God has set free, is now free indeed.

-- Thanks Be To God. Thanks you White Water Tiger.


  1. the WWT pray was done on me guerline and miraculously I started to watch YouTube video of gospel then the pastor David Jeremiah "tuning point tv" popping up and I touched. in addition the pastor David Jeremiah started to preach about the difference or contrast of flesh and spirit. I did not ever known the difference I was chuck to learn the difference. It was a revolution and evolution to me "the flesh, the body, then my spirit and soul. what a beautiful joy it is to know the difference I never knew. now I am pray for my love one to be awake the WWT to awaken then too. God is good. he will never let his child dies that if he desires God for his savior.

  2. I did this clearing for myself (feeling of ease result) & for several "distant" loved ones & I'm hearing about resolve in friendly communication going on where there was none. Thank you Empress V!!! Divine blessings to us all.

  3. When I did this on myself I immediately alternated between happy tears and giggles. Lol
    The next morning I did it for my daughter before heading off to work. I came home to genuine laughter and happiness from her. It has been too long since I heard that. She normally takes a good week or so to mentally recover from a weekend at her dad's. Thank you WWT and thank you EV for bringing this to us. I am so grateful for you.❤️❤️


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